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Think Inside the Box with C.A.T.!

Compassionate Action Today! As you can tell from the picture, my C.A.T. a few months back was to treat myself to a new coffee maker. Our then foster kitty, Cleo, decided compassion for her meant taking up space and claiming the insert as her new safe place! She could hang out with us in the kitchen, observe what was going on, and decide if she wants to respond or not. What great boundaries she practiced! A reminder that sometimes we need to think INSIDE the box. We all have many limitations -time, money, energy, etc- and working with what we have at hand can be a motivating form of self care.

Using resources I have at hand, with an attitude and approach of mindfulness helps me practice gentle self-compassion. Slowing down while making my coffee helps me appreciate the flavor and smell. Using a coffee mug bought on a trip last year reminds me of people I love. Stopping to pet a cute little fluff ball in a box creates a two way exchange of momentary joy. While we are often told to "Think outside the box!" I want to encourage you to think INSIDE the box and identify your cat- what is the smallest, most accessible Compassionate Action Today you can do for yourself?

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